Today Ian spoke about downloading YouTube videos, remotely accessing your laptop from your phone, screen mirroring and blogging.

Clip Converter is the site that I use to download YouTube videos, It allows you to store YouTube videos on your computer and add them to your powerpoint presentations or just access them on your computer even when you are not online.

Splashtop is a fantastic program (application) that allows you to remotely access your desktop or laptop from your mobile phone or tablet. You need to download the app and then download the associated program to your desktop.
It is great for controlling your computer while you walk around the classroom and allows you to easily change slides and even change programs and edit documents while you are away from your computer(as long as it is on).
They have launched something called Splashtop CLASSROOM which I am going to look into and will report back to the Learning Revolution on.

MirrorOp is one of a number of apps available to allow you to show your mobile device's screen on your computer. This is great for showing pupils work through your camera or showing photos or videos directly from your phone.
There are plenty of other options about including some of the below which may suit you better.
EZCast, AllCast, MiraCast

We had a brief discussion about Blogging and the pros and cons.
As discussed Blogging allows you to connect with your pupils in a deeper way than just the classroom, you can put your notes up or share links to articles, website or videos you would like your pupils to watch but don't have time to show during your classes.
There are again plenty of options for platforms to blog from and a lot of knowledge on Blogging in the staffroom, I am more than welcome to chat with anyone and help out with setting up your blog.
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